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The Beatles

Note: Paul McCartney recently released a new studio album, Chaos and Creation in the Backyard. Impressively, he plays most of the instruments on the album. The standard of the record is high, and there are no fillers; at the same time, there are no obvious "single" tracks. Some of the material is reminiscent of the late Beatles material, with deft key changes and unpredictable but catchy turns. The album has been touted as one of McCartney's best.


Band members

John Lennon vocals, guitar
Paul McCartney vocals, bass
George Harrison lead guitar, vocals
Ringo Starr drums Recommends:

User comments

Posted by Strat from uk (1st August 2008)
Search for The Beatles on YouTube & you'll find some modern day covers of some of their songs. It's cool to hear what their songs might sound like had they been released today. One example is "Fixing A Hole" - I never really thought of this as a very strong song, but hearing it with modern recording techniques/quality made me gain new appreciation for the song.

love U!!!!!
Posted by Geneva B from usa (21st January 2006)
the beatles rock dude!!!! they are my fav people!!!!!! i want 2 tottally like buy all there albums!!!

Posted by Amy from canada (22nd November 2005)
Beatles you rock1!!! I like totaly luv your music
Today we watched yellow submarine movie in school! Paul i have to meet you.
Amy Brown ( : p.s. i went to England 4 times and last time i went we went to Liverpool we saw that part where it's like beatle mania man!!!

Their music spans generations
Posted by Jon from Uk (10th November 2004)
As a child in the 80s, most of the music I listened to was what my parents had playing, and much of the time that was The Beatles. Even at that young age I thought the Beatles were great just because they had so many great melodies (songs like Hello Goodbye & Obladi Oblada with such catchy hooks come to mind). Now I appreciate the Beatles on a different level too, for their incredible song-writing skills and ingenious arrangements, which are evident on songs like The Walrus, Strawberry Fields Forever and A Day In The Life. The Beatles' music has already stood the test of time for over three decades, and it is my feeling that it will do so for many more.

The Beatles
Posted by Frank C from UK (7th November 2004)

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