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Mad Season

Project band formed by Mike McCready of Pearl Jam, Layne Staley of Alice In Chains and Barret Martin of Screaming Trees. Mad Season's first and only LP, Above (1995), is very different to anything by Pearl Jam and Alice In Chains. Blues licks underpin much of the album; clearly this is Mike McCready taking advantage of the freedom to play what and how he wants. However, his guitar solos are not as flashy as those of early Pearl Jam; instead McCready is aiming to create atmosphere. The album lacks the heaviness of Alice in Chains, but Layne sounds exactly as he always does - creepy, on edge, gritty and honest. In all, it is a dreary album, but one that speaks of hope, the hope that personal battles such as alcoholism can be won. In fact, the band was born out of such a battle. McCready met bassist John Baker while he was in rehab for alcoholism, and asked him to be part of his band.


Above 1995

Band members

Layne Staley vocals
Mike McCready guitar
John Baker bass
Barret Martin drums Recommends:

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