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Green River

Green River were a Seattle rock group that formed in 1983. Their music had elements of punk and metal, a style that would come to dominate the Seattle music scene in the guise of grunge. Green River's place in the grunge movement is interesting because, though they broke up shortly before the explosion of grunge, the band members would go on to be members of other bands that were central to the movement. Singer/guitarist Mark Arm went on to form Mudhoney, and in fact is credited with coining the term "grunge" as it applies to the musical style. The other two most notable Green River members were Jeff Ament and Stone Gossard, who went on to form Mother Love Bone and then Pearl Jam.

Some Green River songs can be found in compilations, but they also recorded a few of their own releases, including their debut EP, Come On Down, in 1985. The band managed to attract some attention and Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry reportedly wanted to produce a record for them. They recorded a second EP, Dry as a Bone, in 1986, which was released in 1987 under the Sub Pop label. They followed that with a second Sub Pop release in 1988: the 8-song Rehab Doll. However, by this point the band had decided to split up.

Green River's break up came about because Mark Arm took a dislike to what he saw as the careerist attitudes of Jeff Ament and Stone Gossard. The tension revolved around whether to sign up with major record labels or remain with the indie labels. It all came to a head when Ament distributed backstage tickets to a bunch of A&R men who never showed up; Arm had wanted instead to invite some friends.

The name Green River was a reference to the Green River Killer, a serial killer active in their area at the time. Green River is also the name of a Credence Clearwater Revival record, which some sources also cite as an inspiration for the name of the band.


Come On Down (EP) 1985
Dry as a Bone (EP) 1987
Rehab Doll 1988

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